Twenty Nine Teams teed it up on Sunday, April 24th, in the kick off event of our 2022 golf
season. The players came equipped to battle expected rain showers throughout the day, only
to experience a brief downpour late morning, which later gave way to a wonderful spring day at
beautiful St. Clair Country Club, in Belleville, IL.
While the weather was quite temperate on this day, the Open Division team from Algonquin
Golf Club, Shawn Jasper and Jamie Froedge were red hot, shooting a blistering 12 Under Par
60 to win this year’s championship by 7 strokes. Their score of 60 is the all time best score
posted for this event. Congratulations Shawn and Jamie! The Fox Run Golf Club team of
Andrew Gainey and Dan Marsh, posted an early score of 67, 5 Under, to capture second place,
while the Persimmon Woods team of David Bremer and Paul Neeman, finished third, at 4
Under Par, winning a scorecard playoff over the Quincy Country Club team of Ryan Schuenke
and Andrew Boudreau.
In the Senior Division, the Norwood Hills team of Jim McLaughlin and John David posted a
winning score of 5 Under 67, to capture the Senior honors. Last year’s champions, Jim Story
and Andy Acker from Glen Echo Country Club, finished second at 68, defeating last year’s
Runner Up team of Andy Frost and Phil Caster in a scorecard playoff.
The Open Division Champions and Runner up team receive an invite to the season ending
Jackson Invitational, as does the Senior Championship team. Congratulations to all!
And thanks to all the teams that participated, even with the threat of bad weather. And special
thanks to Tom Sipula, General Manager, and Logan Murphy, Head Professional, for hosting this
year’s event. The course was great, as was the food and service at St. Clair Country Club.